Monday, January 29, 2007

Hey I can see my house from up here!

Boy,it's amazing what technology could do.I got these satelite images of Singapore from google search and man how accurate it was.

The satellite is so detailed that I could even see cars and small boat.I can recognise these rooftops since I lived in that part of town.I can see my flat and my old Secondary school to the right. I even find my ITE Collage EAST campus and the Singapore Expo down south.The campus building looks like an inward bend triangle.

The Singapore Expo looks kinda like a bow or a bunch of skirts being hung up on a clothes line from the top.

I decided to explore a bit down south which eventually lead me to a golf course.Hmm,I didn't knew that was a golf course nearby Tampines and Simei.I always though golf course can only be found at Sentosa.I cant believe they wasted a huge amount of land to build a golf course.

Anyways,I could tell that these images are outdated since the ITE collage EAST campus looks like it was under constrution and there is also a new building directly at the bottom left of my school while the hill near my home has been elevated today. Even though the satellite images are outdated, it still gives us a rough impression of what the Earth looks like from a birds eye view. Makes you realise how big this world really is when you see it from a satellite.


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