Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Nearly finishing my DNT project

Boy how relieve i am to have almost of the parts completed. Once my project is completed i can finally focus on my other subject. Oh todays weather is rainy, temperature is 24degrees celcius yada yada yaa in Singapore. Apart from that, i have seen other people's blog. some are good some are bad and some are plain boring. It is not unusual for first time bloggers to looked boring.They are just new to the system just like me. Soon, they propably make some adjustments and create something interesting out of their blog. I am planning to upload some of my pic into my blog.

Supposedly someone tries to hack, well there is nothing i could do. I've heard of hackers hacking into other people's blog and desecreted their post(Did i spelt desecreted right?). What is up with that!? Hey Blogs are people's personal or rather public diary/log/memoir. I am planning to enter Poly at the end of this year,hopefully..... O-Levels is easy IF you understand all formulas in maths and science ,IF you understand the historic significance in History/Social studies and the facts about geography. Creativity and Critical thinking is important in O levels. Futhermore you have to be more specific in the way you answer.

Once you master your own creativity and critical analysis you are eligible to rule
Don't take my words for it, I'm talking nonsense!LOL